basilan BASIC FACTS Origin of Name and Brief History The name of the province came from two native words - basi - meaning iron and lan - meaning trail or way. Put together, Basilan meant "The Iron Trail". The island's early settlers were the Orang Dampuans who were the ancestors of the present Yakans. The legendary Sultan Kudarat once maintained a stronghold in the town of Lamitan until the Spaniards conquered it in 1637. A few years later, the Jesuit missionaries alit on Basilan shores. When Zamboanga became a chartered city in 1936, the island of Basilan was included in its jurisdiction. On July 1, 1948, Basilan came into its own when it became a separate city through Republic Act No. 288. With the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 356 on December 27, 1973, Basilan City was converted into a province.
Basilan means "iron trail." It was once called Tagima after a pre-Hispanic datu. The island's early settlers were the Orang Dampuans, who were the ancestors of the Yakan. The legendary Sultan Kudarat maintained a stronghold in Lamitan town until the Spaniards crushed it in 1637. Jesuit missionaries arrived a few years later. The Dutch attacked Basilan in 1747 but were repulsed by the natives. The French attempted to occupy the province in 1844, but they, too, failed.
Soon thereafter, the Spaniards built a stone fort named after Queen Isabela II. When Zamboanga became a chartered city in 1936, it included Basilan. On July 1, 1948, Basilan itself became a separate city through Republic Act. No. 288. The city was converted into a province on December 27,1973 under Presidential Decree No.356.